Parent Network

The Lenawee Great Start Parent Network: Parents with young children who support one another and care about making Lenawee a great place for kids.
Lenawee Great Start would like to invite you to join us in making Lenawee a great place for kids! We welcome all parents and caregivers of children ages 0-12 to our monthly Parent Education meetings. These parent meetings are an opportunity for you to connect with other parents, hear from local organizations and businesses, share your parenting experiences and learn how to make the most of your child’s early years.
Parents are an important part of the Great Start Collaborative, providing the Collaborative Board with input and feedback on the systems and services that support families and children in Lenawee County. The Collaborative understands that parents are a child’s first and most important teachers and truly values the perspective that parents can provide.
RSVP to our upcoming meetings or events!
If you would like more information about the Parent Network or to receive our newsletter please fill out the form below. We would love to have you join us in making Lenawee a great place for kids!
Community Outreach
Check out what the Parent Network has been up to!
The Parent Network regularly participates in Kid’s Day at the Lenawee County Fair, the Lenawee County Preschool Fair, Welcome Home Baby and various other community events.
In the past, our monthly Parent Meeting topics have included:
Practical Tips for Parents of Young Children with Challenging Behavior
Emotional Regulation for Parents
Teaching Your Children How to Deal with Mad Feelings
Find Your Peaceful Place
Developing Can-Do Thinking in Your Child
Community Resources
Developing Friendship Skills in Your Young Child
Kindergarten Readiness
Our Lenawee Great Start team works hard to bring you the information you need to be the best first teacher for you child! Here are a list of some of the programs/events we provide/participate in.
Mom to Mom - Mentor program at LISD PREP Academy, an alternative school for students who are pregnant or parenting.
Book Baskets - A partnership with Goodwill, local agencies and businesses to house a basket filled with free books for local families. Please make all donations of gently used books to Goodwill. If you are interested in hosting a book basket please call our office at 517-266-4821.
Celebrating Lenawee's Children - An annual resource fair for families.
Parent Education Series - Monthly Parent Network meeting on a variety of parent related topics.
Community Baby Shower - A baby shower/resource fair for parents expecting a child or with a new baby with education sessions, giveaways, and local resources.
Celebrate Dads - An annual event for kids to celebrate their Dad’s. There are games, crafts, giveaways, and resources. Look for details coming later this year.
Diaper Drive - An annual event to collect diapers that are donated to the Community Action Agency for local families in need. Although we have a specific month that we do a community wide collection we do collect donations year round. If you are interested in making a donation please call our office at 517-266-4821.
Popsicle in the Park - Join us for fun in the sun and popsicles! Learn more about Lenawee Great Start and meet other parents with young children in our community.
Ages and Stages Questionnaire - Screening young children is an effective way for families to catch delays and start treatment when it does the most good—during the crucial early years when the child’s brain and body are developing so rapidly. If you have any concerns about your child's development, please take the time to complete the FREE assessments on our website.
School Readiness Work Group - A work group of the Great Start Collaborative that identifies and works on goals around school readiness. If you are interested in participating in this work group please call our office at 517-266-4821.